Personal Thesis


My mission is to leverage technology to address critical human issues, particularly loneliness and personal happiness. I believe in the power of innovative products to bring people together and enhance well-being. As technology advances, including the internet age, social media, and now AI, we are becoming more detached than ever. Depression rates have increased, we constantly compare ourselves to others, and unfortunately, suicide rates have risen exponentially. Additionally, the environment is severely impacted by global warming and other pressing issues.


To create and support projects that make a tangible difference in people’s lives by fostering connections, reducing isolation, and promoting happiness. This can be achieved through fostering meaningful social relationships and experiences. As AI becomes more mainstream and replaces many daily tasks, our human interactions and our relationship with ourselves remain crucial.

Focus Areas

Combating Loneliness

I aim to develop tools and platforms that facilitate meaningful interactions and build supportive communities. For example, at Nouz, I sought to level the playing field for personal investors, making investment decisions more accessible and less exploitative.

Enhancing Personal Happiness

By creating products that help individuals track, understand, and improve their well-being, I strive to make technology a force for personal growth and fulfillment. My work at Tribz involved creating tokens to represent a person’s contribution to a project, thus aiding in recognition and fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Environmental Sustainability

Developing solutions that help protect and preserve the environment. At Morsum, I contributed to building a food operating system that reduces waste and ensures the right food reaches the right person, promoting sustainability.


With a background in data science and extensive experience in a startup environment, I bring a unique blend of technical skills and versatile leadership to every project. My journey has taught me the importance of adaptability, creativity, and empathy in developing solutions that truly resonate with people. I am committed to using my skills to lead initiatives that make a positive impact on humanity.